the isle of man’s first genome project

Manx Cat Genome Project

In 2015 we raised the money to sequence the genome of Bonnag, a Manx Cat living on the Isle of Man. Her genome was sequenced in 2016 and is providing insights into Manx cat biology and health!

Blog posts

  • Genome number 1 is funded!

    Yes, it’s true, we’ve now raised enough to sequence the first genome of the Manx cat! Thank you so much […]

  • Shock genome price drop!

    We heard a rumour a while back that Illumina, the company who makes the most popular genome sequencers, were considering […]

  • Fundraising update – launch day

    We’ve managed to raise a whopping £424 in the first 24 hours of the project! This is fantastic and means […]

  • Launch day!

    Launch day is finally here and we’re busy making sure that all the press releases have gone out, the Facebook […]

Meet Our Team

If you are someone with skills that you think may help the project and are interested in donating your time please get in touch.

Dr. Rachel Glover

Isle of Man

Zoe Grundey

Manx cat breeder and advocate
Isle of Man

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